Cast your vote and let the gods—or lack thereof—decide your fate!
Question of
What’s your go-to reaction when someone says, “I’ll pray for you”?
“Thanks, that’ll definitely fix my life.”
“Why stop there? Sacrifice a goat too!”
“Cool, I’ll light a candle for Zeus just in case.”
“Nothing like asking god to change his mind”
Silently walk away
Question of
If you had to choose a holy book to take to a deserted island, what would it be?
The Bible – it’s long, and I’ve got time to kill.
The Qur’an – for fire kindling.
The Satanic Bible – for laughs.
None – I’ll rely on Wilson.
Question of
What’s the purpose of life according to you?
To question everything, including this question.
To see how many religions I can piss off.
To enjoy life before a god smites me for fun.
Who cares? Life’s meaningless, pass the wine.
Question of
If the Rapture happens tomorrow, what will you do?
Raid the homes of all the “saved” for free stuff.
Wait for Jesus to stop by and ask, “You sure about this?”
Start a new religion with me as the god.
Same thing I always do: nothing.
Question of
What do you think happens after we die?
Heaven, if I’ve bribed the right deity.
Eternal hellfire—I was probably born pre-damned.
Reincarnation, hopefully into something with fewer taxes.
Nothing—just sweet, quiet oblivion.
Question of
If God spoke to you, what would *you* say?
“Finally! I’ve got some complaints to file.”
“What took you so long? I’ve been calling for years!”
“LOL, wrong number.”
Question of
What’s your opinion on organized religion?
It’s a pyramid scheme, but with better branding.”
“People are free to believe… as long as they leave me out of it.”
“Great way to avoid taxes.”
“Burn it all down and let the gods sort it out.”
Question of
Which miracle would actually convince you God exists?
A televangelist refusing a donation.
World peace breaking out overnight.
Me waking up on time without an alarm.
None—it’s easier to believe in aliens.
Question of
If you had to worship something, what would it be?
Coffee—it’s the only thing that performs daily miracles.
Science—it’s the closest thing we’ve got to magic.
Cats—they act like gods anyway.
Myself—I’m the only one who deserves it.
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